Boating Competition and Social Evening 2017
Boats and Social Evening
Wednesday 5th July – 19:30 start
Wisbey Park
Congratulations to Derek Round for setting the fastest time around the course, I managed to come a close second but either need more practice or supercharged batteries!
The ‘fox hunt’ game at the end was a lot harder than it looked! Well done to John Barraclough for sailing the ‘fox’ so elusively and stopping the rest of us from popping the balloons attached to his boat.
A fun evening and thankyou to all the boating section.
Diesel Day 2017
Bradford MES Diesel Day, Northcliff Railway
Sunday 23rd July, gates will be open from 10:00 and finish around 16:00.
Visitors from other societies are very welcome. To help with planning the day and catering please let Russ Coppin know if you plan to attend, especially if you are bringing a loco. All visitors should have public liability certificates with them please.